Featured Projects
NAVUS has provided custom turnkey robotic welding and automation solutions to many Fortune 500 companies in the Medical, Automotive, Military and Consumer industries.
Our innovative engineering and fabrication expertise enables us to help clients surpass their goals of increased efficiency while also improving the quality, endurance, and reliability of their automated systems.

This project consisted of designing an automated process that integrated with existing processes within our client’s manufacturing facility. The footprint of the process had to be kept small, meaning multiple stages of assembly had to happen in the same process enclosure. The process also had to nest multiple parts together precisely to comply with downstream packaging systems.

This custom automation process can locate individual parts that weigh up to 14,000 pounds, identify the part by recognizing its shape and features, create a tool path for it, and then mill the sharp edges on the part to a precise radius. Previously employees in our clients’ facility had used electric grinders to manually grind sharp edges. With their new process, their employees are able to oversee the automated process from a safe distance.

This custom automation process translates building plans from two dimensional CAD drawings to finished floorboards, cut, stacked, and organized in order of their use in the downstream process. The automated system required vision-guided robotics, custom software, and adaptability with minimal input from an operator.

An unprecedented welding project designed to move the robotic welding workcell 20 yards into position in a dangerous environment. The multi-task robot effectively preps joints, welds, provides inter-pass cleaning, and vacuums welds remotely from an operator’s console that utilizes a live monitor and a HD camera for post inspection.

This portable robotic work cell is designed to be used for multiple welds in multiple positions. Equipped with a twin wire welding system for heavy-deposition welding, the robot can also change tools for single-torch welding, grinding, deburring, and cleaning. The robot, wire drums, tool changer, and peripheral equipment are located on a movable platform connected to a rail system. This allows movement in both directions along the X and Y axes, increasing the robot’s reach.

This machine is designed to weld T-beams by feeding them through a work cell. The cell consists of two inverted robots using the twin wire welding method.

This custom weld cell utilizes six robots in a work cell measuring 140’x40’x30’. Three robots on each side of a column and boom system function to weld and clean oddly-shaped parts which each weigh 30 tons. The four robots on either end of the cell weld the part, while the two center robots, equipped with wire brushes, provide inter-pass cleaning. An engineered trunnion and clamp system lifts, rotates, and lowers the 30-ton parts.